Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission
5th Floor, Metro Plaza, Arera Colony, Bittan Market, Bhopal 462 016





No. MPERC/ JD(TF)/                                                                                                  Bhopal, Dated:                       




 1. The CMD,

     M.P. Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd.,

     GPH Compound, Polo Ground, Indore

2. The CMD,

     M.P. Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd.,

     Nishtha Parisar, Govindpura, Bhopal

3. The CMD,

     M.P. Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd.,

     Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur



Sub:-- Clarification regarding applicability of load factor concession to HT  Consumers under tariff schedule HV-3



           The M.P. Chapter of M/s All India Induction Furnace Association, Delhi vide its letter dated 10.6.06 made a representation regarding consideration of average power factor of 0.90 for calculation of load factor. 


             As per point 21 under General Terms and Conditions for HT Consumers of tariff order dated 31.3.06:


             �An average power factor of 0.9 will be applied for calculation of corresponding units at different load factors on contract demand in KVA.�


                      In view of above, the Commission has directed that the load factor on contract demand in KVA may be worked out by considering average power factor of 0.9 for the purpose of load factor concession. This shall be effective w.e.f. the date of applicability of tariff order dated 31.3.2006.



                                                                                                               (Ashok Sharma)

                                                                                                               Dy. Secretary





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