Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission
5th Floor, Metro Plaza, Arera Colony, Bittan Market, Bhopal 462 016





Tariff Orders for Non Conventional Energy

Tariff Order  for procurement of Power  from Small Hydro Power Projects in Madhya Pradesh   
(Order passed on 21/12/2018)

MPERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of  Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2015      - dropped proceedings - order dated  24.05.2017

Extension of control period for the tariff order dated 01.04.2013 for procurement of power from Bagasse   based cogeneration power projects in Madhya Pradesh   
Order passed on 18.04.2016      Order passed on 04.05.2017


Extension of control period for the tariff order dated 14.05.2013 for procurement of power from 
Small Hydro Power Projects in Madhya Pradesh


Tariff Order  for Solar Energy Based Power Generation in Madhya Pradesh   (SMP- 25/2016)
Order passed on 8th Aug,2016)

Tariff Order  for procurement of power from  Municipal Solid Waste based  Power Generating Plants in
Madhya Pradesh  (
Order passed on 29.06.2016)

Tariff Order  for  procurement of power from Wind Electric Generators   Order passed on 17th March,2016
Amendment to clause 4.1 of the tariff order dated 17.03.2016 for procurement of  power from WEGs  
(SMP-74-2015) Order passed on  5th  June,2017

Tariff Order  for procurement of power from Biogas based Power Projects in Madhya Pradesh 
(SMP 27/2014)     Order passed on   5th February, 2015

Extension of control period beyond 31.03.2014 in respect of tariff for solar based power projects
(Order passed on 25/03/2014)

Tariff Order  for procurement of power from  Municipal Solid Waste based power generating plants in
Madhya Pradesh

Fixation of norms for determination of tariff for procurement of power from Solar based
Power  Projects - Extension of Control Period Upto 31-03-2012

Tariff Order for  Solar Energy Based Power Generation in Madhya Pradesh  
Hindi Version of Order

Tariff Order for procurement of power from WEG's Passed on 14-05-10  
Hindi Version of Order

Wind Energy Tariff Order passed on 11 Jun 2004

Review Order for Procurement of Wind Energy passed on 01-03-06

Tariff order for procurement of power from Bagasse based Cogeneration Plants in M.P. 

Wind Energy Generators Already Commissioned/ Under Commissioning  in Madhya Pradesh 
Wind Energy Tariff Order passed on 21-11-2007    

Tariff order for Biomass 07-07-2007

Model Power Purchase Agreement for Wind Electric Gen

Model PPA For Procurement Of Power From Biomass Based Generation

Tariff Order for Procurement of Power by Distribution Licensees from Small Hydro Based

Tariff Order  for procurement of power from Biomass based Power Projects
(Passed on 2nd March'2012)   Hindi Version (SMP - 77/2011)

Filing of petition for review of generalized tariff fixed by MPERC for procurement of power from
Biomass based power plants. (Order passed on 1st June, 2012) (Petition No. 32/2012)

Determination of tariff for procurement of power from Solar based Power Projects -
Extension of Control Period

Tariff Order for Solar Energy Based Power Generation in Madhya Pradesh

Tariff Order for procurement of power from Wind Electric Generators 
Order passed on
26-03-13)(SMP-12/2013 Hindi Version of Order 

In the matter of extension of control period of tariff order dated 30.06.2008 for procurement of power from small hydro power projects (Date of order: 30th March,2013)

Tariff Order  for procurement of power from Baggasse based cogeneration plants in Madhya Pradesh
Order passed on 01-04-2013)(SMP 13/2013)

In the matter of compliance with judgment passed by the Hon�ble Appellate Tribunal for Electricity in Appeal No. 93 of 2012  - Revised Biomass Tariff order (Passed on 3rd May,2013) 

Tariff Order  for procurement of power from Small Hydro Power Projects in Madhya Pradesh

(Order passed on 14.05.2013) (SMP-19/2013)