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[Tenders] - Public Notice regarding Expressions of Interest (EoI) for Design/Development of Regulatory Analytics tool for MPERC, Bhopal [Last Date : 22/07/2024]

Public Notice regarding Expressions of Interest (EoI) for Design/Development of Regulatory Analytics tool for MPERC, Bhopal



MPERC reserves the right to select or reject any of the proposals received against this EoI. Eligible entities who have competence and experience to carry out such work are requested to submit the EOI along with supporting documents through e-mail to with a copy to [email protected] to [email protected] reach on or before 18:00 Hrs on 22/07/2024. No hardcopy of the documents is required to be submitted.


Last date of submission of responses  : 18:00 Hrs on 22/07/2024

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