Last Update on : 26-07-2024 03:56:45
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Electricity Ombudsman

Order passed by Electricity Ombudsman (Vidyut Lokpal)

Enter Case No *

Case Filing Year *

Sr Case No Case Year Order Pass On Date Attachements
1 L00-05 2024 27-May-2024 View | Download
2 L00-09 2024 24-May-2024 View | Download
3 L00-10 2024 02-May-2024 View | Download
4 L00-07 and L00-08 2024 25-Apr-2024 View | Download
5 L00-04 2024 18-Apr-2024 View | Download
6 L00-02 2024 28-Mar-2024 View | Download
7 L00-03 2024 26-Mar-2024 View | Download
8 L00-06 2024 27-Feb-2024 View | Download
9 L00-01 2024 14-Feb-2024 View | Download
10 L00-14 2023 29-Dec-2023 View | Download
11 L00-13 2023 29-Dec-2023 View | Download
12 L00-11 2023 16-Nov-2023 View | Download
13 L00-10 2023 16-Nov-2023 View | Download
14 L00-12 2023 06-Nov-2023 View | Download
15 L00-09 2023 27-Oct-2023 View | Download
16 L00-08 2023 18-Oct-2023 View | Download

Note :

1. This site can only display the orders by the Electricity Ombudsman, MP issued after 21/09/2023 ( Date of launch of upgraded website of the MPERC).

2. All Orders issued by the Electricity Ombudsman, MP prior to 21/09/2023, can be found at Electricity Ombudsman Orders Archive on Old Website