Last Update on : 26-07-2024 03:56:45
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Formation of Commission

The Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission was constituted by Government of Madhya Pradesh vide Gazette Notification dated 20th August, 1998 under Electricity Regulatory Commission’s Act, 1998, subsequently after the M.P. Vidyut Sudhar Adhiniyam, 2000 came into effect from 03-07-2001, the State Regulatory Commission was deemed to have been constituted under State Act. The Electricity Act 2003 (No. 36 of 2003) enacted by parliament has come into force w.e.f. 10th June 2003 and the Commission is now deemed to have been constituted and functioning under the provisions of Electricity Act 2003.


Gazette Notification dated 20th August, 1998 


Present Status of Commission:



Name Designation Date of Joining
Shri S.P.S. Parihar Chairman 15.07.2020
Shri Gopal Srivastava Member (Law) 04-02-2022
Shri Prashant Kumar Chaturvedi Member 25-01-2023