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Transmission Tariff Orders

Transmission Tariff Orders issued by MPERC
    Tariff Order True-Up order
Period Subject Attachments Attachments
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FY-2023-24 IN THE MATTER OF determination of Transmission Tariff for MYT control period from FY 2019-20 to FY 2023-24.      
FY-2022-23 True Up Order for FY-2022-23 issued in Petition No 70 of 2023 on 28/02/2024
FY-2021-22 True Up Order for FY-2021-22 issued in Petition No 77 of 2022 on 07/03/2023
FY-2020-21 True Up Order for FY-2020-21 issued in Petition No 01 of 2022 on 16/08/2022
FY-2019-20 True Up Order for FY-2019-20 issued in Petition No 41 of 2021 on 07/12/2021

FY-2016-17 to FY-2018-19




Determination of Multi Year Transmission Tariff for the control period FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 based on the tariff application filed by Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited (MPPTCL), Jabalpur under Section 62 and 86(1)(a) of the Electricity Act, 2003.      

FY-2013-14 to FY-2015-16




Determination of Transmission Tariff for the control period FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16 based on the tariff application filed by Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited (MPPTCL), Jabalpur under Section 62 and 86(1)(a) of the Electricity Act, 2003.      
FY-2012-13 Determination of Transmission Tariff for FY 2012-13 based on the petition filed by Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited, Jabalpur.      

FY-2009-10 to FY-2011-12




Determination of Transmission Tariff for FY2009-10 to FY 2011-12 based on the tariff application filed by Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited (MPPTCL) under Multi Year Tariff Principles.      

FY-2006-07 to FY-2008-09




Filing of application for True up of the Transmission Tariff for FY-06 and FY-07 to FY-09 under Multi Year Tariff regime.      
FY-2005-06 Determination of Tariff for Transmission for FY06 based on the tariff application made by Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Company Limited (MPPTCL) and determination of SLDC Charges.