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Daily Orders

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Petition No/Year Particular Petitioner Respondent
1/2017 In the matter of petition seeking clarification of Regulation 4.1 & 4.2 and continuation of standby support from the MPMKVVCL under regulation 4.38 read with 4.41 of MPERC (Power purchase and other matters with respect to conventional fuel based captive power plants) Regulations, 2009 and regulation 18.19 & 18.20 of MPERC (Terms and conditions for intra-state open access in MP), regulations, 2005. 1) M/s Vardhman Yarns,
1) MP Madhya Khsetra Vidyut Vitran Compnay Limited
2) M P Power Transmission Company Limited
3) SLDC State Load Dispatch Center

Daily Orders issued in Petition 1/2017

Sr No Petition No/Year Date of Daily Order Attachments