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Daily Orders

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Petition No/Year Particular Petitioner Respondent
12/2023 In the matter of Petition U/S. 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 for Disobedience and Contempt Proceedings for Non-Compliance of Order dt. 28.11.2022 by this Hon’ble Commission 1) M/s SAP Energy,C/o Shrenik Marble (P) Ltd.
1) The CGM , M P Power Management Company Limited

Daily Orders issued in Petition 12/2023

Sr No Petition No/Year Date of Daily Order Attachments
1 12/2023 22-Aug-2023 View | Download
2 12/2023 01-Aug-2023 View | Download
3 12/2023 18-Jul-2023 View | Download
4 12/2023 06-Jun-2023 View | Download
5 12/2023 25-Apr-2023 View | Download