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Petition No/Year Particular Petitioner Respondent
17/2023 In the matter of Petition filed under section, 86(1)(e) of the Electricity Act, 2003 and Clause 14.1 of Agreement for 1.5 MW and clause 13.1 of agreement for 2.55 MW and MPERC Regulations 2010 Revision-I (Co-generation and Generation of electricity from renewable source of energy) as amended from time to time and Non-compliance of Hon’ble MPERC Order dt. 29.11.2017 passed in Petition No. 37/2017 and PPWA dt. 05.05.2014 for 1.5 MW and 05.11.2019 for 2.55 MW and Hon’ble MPERC order dt. 22.07.2022 in Petition No. 22/2022. 1) Porwal Auto Components Pvt Ltd(Solar Division)
1) MP Power Management Company Limited

Daily Orders issued in Petition 17/2023

Sr No Petition No/Year Date of Daily Order Attachments
1 17/2023 16-Aug-2023 View | Download
2 17/2023 18-Jul-2023 View | Download
3 17/2023 06-Jun-2023 View | Download