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Daily Orders

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Petition No/Year Particular Petitioner Respondent
25/2015 clubbed with/2015 In the matter of petition under clause 9(O), 10(9) of the MP Vidyut Sudhar Adhiniyam, 2000 read with Section 86 for enforcement of provisions of various PPAs w.r.t. supply of wind electric energy to MPPMCL in terms of various tariff orders. 1) M/s Medicell,
2) M/s. Giriraj Enterprises
3) M/s Eastman International Ltd.,
4) M/s Maxwell Inc.,
5) M/s Rita International
6) M/s Magma Fincorp Limited
7) M/s Sterling Agro Industries Ltd
8) M/s Ruchi Infrastructure Ltd.,
9) M/s Ruchi Soya Industries Ltd.,
1) MP Power Management Company Limited
2) MP Pashchim Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited

Daily Orders issued in Petition 25/2015 clubbed with/2015

Sr No Petition No/Year Date of Daily Order Attachments