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Daily Orders

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Petition No/Year Particular Petitioner Respondent
27/2014 In the matter of tariff order for procurement of power from Biogas based power projects in Madhya Pradesh – remitted by Hon’ble Appellate Tribunal for Electricity for fresh decision by the Commission vide its order dated 25.07.2022 in Appeal No. 36 of 2020 1) SUO MOTO PETITION , Remanded by APTEL
1) RDM Care(India) Pvt. Ltd.
2) MP Power Management Company Limited

Daily Orders issued in Petition 27/2014

Sr No Petition No/Year Date of Daily Order Attachments
1 27/2014 10-Nov-2022 View | Download
2 27/2014 27-Oct-2022 View | Download
3 27/2014 30-Sep-2022 View | Download
4 27/2014 02-Sep-2022 View | Download