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Petition No/Year Particular Petitioner Respondent
27/2023 In the matter of Petition under Clause 46 of MPERC (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2004 seeking appropriate directions for grant of relief under force majeure Clause and for setting aside the demand dated 28.03.2023, 21.04.2023 and 04.05.2023 of load enhancement charges raised by respondent read with Clause 11.2 MP Electricity Supply Code 2021. 1) Bhaskar Industries Pvt. Ltd.
1) MP Madhya Khsetra Vidyut Vitran Compnay Limited
2) General Manager (O&M), M.P. Madhya Kshetra Vidhyut Vitaran Co. Ltd

Daily Orders issued in Petition 27/2023

Sr No Petition No/Year Date of Daily Order Attachments
1 27/2023 26-Sep-2023 View | Download
2 27/2023 08-Aug-2023 View | Download
3 27/2023 25-Jul-2023 View | Download
4 27/2023 04-Jul-2023 View | Download