Last Update on : 02-07-2024 11:18:40
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Petition No/Year Particular Petitioner Respondent
6/2024 Petition for old flat/ fix rate earlier on the farmer agriculture electricity use. 1) Surendra Kumar Verma
1) Union of India, Ministry of Power
2) M.P. State Electricity Board,
3) General Manager, MPMKVVCL, Bhopal
4) Assistant Engineer , MPMKVVCL, Betul
5) State of MP, through Collector, Betul

Daily Orders issued in Petition 6/2024

Sr No Petition No/Year Date of Daily Order Attachments
1 6/2024 02-May-2024 View | Download
2 6/2024 16-Apr-2024 View | Download
3 6/2024 12-Mar-2024 View | Download