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Petition No/Year Particular Petitioner Respondent
9/2022 In the matter of Petition under Section 86(1)(f) of the Electricity Act, read with Regulation 57 of the MPERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Generation Tariff) Regulations, 2020 for declaration and consequential relief allowing sharing of net savings of interest between the Petitioner and the Respondent in the ratio of 50:50 pursuant to tariff order dated 03.05.2021 in the Petition no 43 of 2020 passed by the Commission 1) M/s Jaiprakash Power Venture Ltd
1) MP Power Management Company Limited
2) MP Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited
3) MP Madhya Khsetra Vidyut Vitran Compnay Limited
4) MP Pashchim Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Limited

Daily Orders issued in Petition 9/2022

Sr No Petition No/Year Date of Daily Order Attachments