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Final Order issued by MPERC

Sr No Petition No/year Petitioners Respondents Subject Section Date of Order Attachments
1 31/2002 1) M.P. State Electricity Board,
1) M/s Prism Cement Ltd.
2) The Electrical Inspector (Electrical Safety)
In the matter of order dt. 30.01.2023 passed by Hon’ble High Court of MP in Miscellaneous Appeal No. 541 of 2004 filed by MP State Electricity Board, Jabalpur under section 41 of the MP Vidyut Sudhar Adhiniyam, 2000 against order dated 16/12/2003 passed in Petition No. 31 of 2002 by the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission. Not Applicable 25-Sep-2023

Final Order

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